ECO Newsletter archive
ECO Platform - Report from the Meeting in Oslo 2017
ECO Platform has approved its Strategy
After months of hard work in Task Groups and thorough discussions during the last Board Meetings and the General Assembly, the Board has approved the ECO Platform Strategy for the years to come. Strengthen the activities by clear communication and objectivesThe new strategy is founded on the objectives of the Association in our Statutes and this is the perfect time for the ECO Platform to issue comprehensive and firm statements that all members agree on and which define the future direction of ECO Platform activities. The Board and the working organs of the ECO Platform have now drafted a Work Programme for the priority tasks based on the new strategy. We will report about the status of the work on major tasks of ECO Platform’s Work Programme in the next newsletters. Please read our Strategy on our website.
ECO Platform Code of ConductIt is the policy of the ECO Platform to strictly comply with all applicable laws. Because the activities of the ECO Platform involve interaction between many stakeholders, it is important to emphasize the unswerving commitment of the ECO Platform, its Board members and its Members to compliance with the highest ethical standards. The ECO Platform Code of Conduct was now signed by all participants at the Board Meeting in Oslo and shall be binding, on all members as well as on other participants when taking part in activities of the ECO Platform.
The Norwegian EPD Foundation hosts international EPD Business EventThis year, the annual ECO Platform Business Event took take place in Oslo on 27th September. The theme of the conference "The environment as a competitive advantage in the international market" was strategically based on the increasing globalization and the environmental challenges the world is facing. The event was aimed at Norwegian companies, mainly in the construction industry, that are international or have international ambitions, but also EPD owners and companies using EPD in their decision-making processes, says Håkon Hauan, CEO of The Norwegian EPD Foundation. International focusThe speakers included the Managing Director of ECO Platform Christian Donath, Jane Anderson who is an internationally recognized expert in life cycle assessment and the use of environmental data in the construction products sector, and Stig Tjøtte from Hydro Aluminum. There was also an opportunity for meetings with experts from several European countries to establish international contacts. International cooperation in this area is positive and it is very positive that this event was organized in Norway," says Øyvind Skarholt, Chairman of the Board for The Norwegian EPD Foundation, who also participated in the establishment of ECO Platform. Håkon Hauan believes that this shows that the Norwegian construction industry is recognized for its position in Europe in the field of environmental declarations of construction products and that we in Norway have coordinated efforts in this area through The Norwegian EPD Foundation and ECO Platform. "In Norway, we have a growing trend that demands are being made for environmental presentation to buildings," says Håkon Hauan. This has been important for building product manufacturers to compete for the environmental performance of their products. In addition to the event, the ECO Platform Board Members held a Board Meeting in Oslo on the 26th September, following a walking trip through the famous Gustav Vigeland Sculpture park and ending the program with an informal dinner.
Change in mail address of ECO PlatformAs from the 1st of September 2017 there will no longer be a reception at Boulevard du Souverain 68 and therefore our address now needs to include ‘Box 1’ to ensure that we receive mails sent to us. Our new official address, effective today, is: Our new official address is: ECO Platform AISBL Boulevard du Souverain 68, Box 1
More and more ECO EPD…Success becomes visible in hard facts. The increasing number of ECO EPD available today shows the successes achieved by ECO Platform’s EPD Programme Operators in providing good service for Construction Product Manufacturers: internationally recognized quality EPD. Currently, nearly 500 EPD have been registered as ECO EPD. Please visit our website for the current ECO EPD list.
Dates and events10.10.2017 Indata WG 1 Berlin/Germany 16.-19.10.2017 CEN/TC 350 Plenary Meeting Valetta/Malta 21.11.2017 ECO Platform Board meeting (Webinar)
![]() President |
![]() Managing Director |
ECO Platform AISBL |
c/o Construction Products Europe AISBL |
phone: +49 201 - 3203172 |
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