Our Organization

ECO Platform's Working Groups


Members of ECO Platform have the exclusive right to participate in our Working Groups (WGs). If you are interested in participation, please contact the convenor of the particular Working Group. You find the contact details of our convenors below their pictures on the Working Group pages.

By participating in our Working Groups you will

  • have the possibility to build deep knowledge,
  • be part of a valuable network,
  • take influence in decisive developments and
  • get first hand early information.

On the following pages you will find information about our Working Groups and relevant ongoing activities.


Our Technical Working Group is responsible for specification and maintenance of requirements for ECO EPD content, format and verification.


Our Working Group on Standardisation aims to be voice and ear of ECO Platform towards standardisation initiatives. It shall provide comprehensive communication about relevant standardisation initiatives towards members and develop common positions.


Our Working Group for Downstream Tools aims to be voice and ear of ECO Platform towards tool operators using digital ECO EPD data via ECO Portal, like Building LCA Tools. The development of solutions for efficient exchange of digital EPD data for use in building assessment tools is central part of the scope.