Our Cooperations
Partnership with Building Transparency
Building Transparency, an American nonprofit organization that provides open access data and tools to help reduce embodied carbon emissions and foster a better building future, and ECO Platform partner to harmonize product-related data efforts globally, ensuring collective alignment and cooperation across the sector.
Through this partnership, Building Transparency and ECO Platform aim to align on technical aspects, including standardizing data format and quality, and strategic-level needs, including driving further awareness and understanding of the need to reduce the environmental impacts of our built spaces.
This partnership includes a pilot to focus on harmonizing the ILCD+EPD format with the openEPD standard. The ILCD+EPD data format was developed by European Stakeholders based on the ILCD format of the European Commission and is a technical means for transporting information associated with an EPD in a structured way. Through this pilot, Building Transparency and ECO platform aim to test linkages and translation between the ILCD+EPD and openEPD standards, aligning global efforts to decarbonize our buildings.
Collaboration with InData
Following our mission to mainstream Building and Construction LCA, ECO Platform supported the development of a common digital data format and a database infrastructure for product LCA data, from the beginning on. When the InData initiative started working on this issue, some of ECO Platform's members were part of it and ECO Platform started supporting the work immediately.
The ‚International Open Data Network for Sustainable Construction (InData)’ was founded in 2015. The InData Working Group is an informal, non-profit working group of interested stakeholders. Its main objective is to establish an international network structure for EPD/LCA data in the construction sector – online based and using open source software. Using a common data format in an open network structure shall allow for open access to data and flexible application options, while maintaining individual ownership and responsibility for the data.
Data is provided and organized by each supplier, while at the same time available to users across the data network.
The InData initiative uses the ILCD+EPD data format. Conformity rules are established to ensure high data quality.
Considering the significant increase in the number of EPD programme operators, generated EPDs, digital LCA tools and BIM applications in the construction sector, the joint efforts of ECO Platform and InData are gaining in importance. Here, providers of EPDs and LCA results agree beyond the common data format on common rules for the provision of EPD and generic data for building LCA.
Presently, InData and ECO Platform are planning their future collaboration.