Our Working Group on Standardisation




Core rules of EPD Programmes are developed in standardisation committees, notably CEN TC 350 but also in ISO TC 59 SC 17 or CEN TC 351. These standardisation activities cover:

  • Core rules for environmental product declarations (CEN TC 350, WG3)
  • Communication format for business-to-business communication (CEN TC 350, WG3)
  • Communication format for business-to-consumer communication (CEN TC 350, WG3)
  • Data quality (CEN TC 350, WG3)
  • Calculation rules for the environmental (social, and economic) assessment of buildings (CEN TC 350, WG1)
  • EPD information for BIM (CEN TC 350, WG3 in liaison with ISO TC 59 SC 17)
  • Circular economy in the construction sector (CEN TC 350, SC1)
  • Test methods for dangerous substances (CEN TC 350)
  • International standards related to EPD and LCA, e.g., ISO 14025, ISO 21930 and ISO 22057 (ISO/TC 207 SC3, ISO/TC 59, SC 17)

Beyond that, product TCs have been invited to provide complementary product category rules specifically for their products. CEN TC 350 WG 3 has been mandated by CEN BT to ensure consistency of these c-PCRs with the core rules for environmental product declarations.



The Mission of ECO Platform is to promote and to contribute to the sustainable development, including a low-carbon economy and resource efficiency in the construction sector, by coordinating the development and provision of credible and scientifically correct data from products.

CEN standards are the basis of this data, notably the ones elaborated by CEN TC 350. ECO Platform has a genuine interest in the consistency, practicability and robustness of the CEN TC 350 series of standards as well as in their conformity with other CEN and ISO standards on life cycle assessment, dangerous substances, communication formats and service life.

Beyond that ECO Platform has engaged in developing harmonized rules on LCA, verification, data format, etc. based on the diverse experiences of its members. Participation in standardisation shall ensure that these rules are taken up in standardisation initiatives.



  • Prepare discussions on strategic elements subject to ongoing and future standardisation initiatives and generate common positions on these elements
  • Support the development of position papers by ECO platform and contribute and represent ECO platform positions in relevant standardisation initiatives
  • Follow on-going standardisation initiatives on CEN and ISO level to ensure consistency, practicability and robustness of new standards, based on the experiences of ECO Platform members
  • Prepare comments on standards from CEN TC 350 during enquiry and formal vote for approval by the BoD
  • Prepare comments on complementary PCR (c-PCR) to ensure their consistency with EN 15804 and common practice by ECO platform members for approval by the BoD
  • Engage ECO platform members to report about relevant standardisation activities and to represent ECO platform interests in standardisation


Nikolaos Emmanouil

Nikolaos Emmanouil


Dr. Frank Werner

Dr. Frank Werner