Our Technical Working Group



Framework conditions

TEWOG Framework Conditions

1. Common Methodology

Harmonizing the development of PCRs (TG PCR Guidelines)

  • Finding a mechanism how to govern collaboration regarding PCRs, facilitating joint PCR developments
  • Defining additional minimum requirements for PCRs (in addition to the existing framework from standards)

Defining terminology and rules for classifying EPDs (TG Glossary)

  • How do we differentiate types of EPDs?
  • How do we define if an EPD is an EPD in the view of ECO Platform in “grey” cases?
  • Examples: manufacturing-site specific EPDs? Project-specific EPDs that are treated differently by POs


2. Common Procedures

Revising the Verification Guidelines (TG Verification Guidelines)

  • Core document of ECO Platform – mandatory for all POs
  • Needs to be updated to current situation, incl. tool verification
  • Separation of calculation rules from guidelines for verification

Revising Audit Guidelines (TG Audit Guidelines)

  • Transfer of rules for auditing of POs by ECO Platform into separate document
  • Securing “quality of ECO Platform membership” for POs through sharp guidelines for impactful audits
  • Updating guidelines for auditing for practical applicability


3. Innovation in Methodology

New Indicator(s) for Circularity in EPDs (TG Circular Economy)

  • Initiative to pick up previous work from some POs
  • Aims at providing a feasible proposal for adding a circularity indicator to EPDs
  • Target is to feed findings into the standardization process
  • Initial proposal was tested, need to propose & discuss modifications in methodology now

New ways to deal with carbon in EPDs (TG Carbon Storage)

  • New group, initiated by requests from different POs + reacting to DG GROW’s request for an opinion on temporary storage of biogenic carbon, to discuss methods that are outside the standards today:
    • How to account for (fossil) Carbon Capture & Storage / Utilization in EPDs?
    • How to account for temporary storage of biogenic carbon in renewable building products in EPDs?


4. Having a voice

Contributing to the CPR Tech. Acquis Process (TG CPR)

  • ECO Platform is in a unique position to inform the regulatory process
  • ECO Platform has been asked to provide a position / technical proposal for how to deal with certain aspects
  • Task Group supports nominated experts & is platform to develop a common understanding & opinion for communication

Finding an agreed position on Mass Balancing Attribution Methods (TG Mass Balancing)

  • Understanding if there is a framework possible that can allow ECO Platform to accept & utilize MBA methods
  • Defining requirements for such a framework with the aim to contribute to discussions initiated by the European Commission (incl. CPR Acquis process)



TEWOG – What’s in it for me?

What TEWOG is doing, has an impact...

  • On you as a Program Operator, regarding your processes, your methodology definitions and rules and your participation in ECO Platform
  • On you as an EPD Owner and EPD Practitioner, especially when working internationally and for staying ahead of the market
  • For you to understand new developments in methodology and regulatory (and normative) changes and how they are implemented in ECO Platform

And recently, TEWOG was successful with...

  • Merging the rules for PEPecopassport with rules for building product EPDs and formed the basis for a common approach for EEE products incl. use of ECO logo
  • Updating the verification guidelines – which must be implemented by all POs
  • Agreeing on how to account for green electricity and biogas in EPDs
  • Informing DG GROW on how we verify, how we deal with green electricity etc.


TEWOG – What will I gain from joining TEWOG?

Only if you contribute, you can…

  • Get the information first-hand, including topics that may be very relevant for your organisation or you as a Program Operator
  • Understand and prepare for what is coming to the world of EPDs through the CPR Acquis and the CPR Revision
  • Voice your opinion and concerns on new developments
  • Help shaping the rules for the development of EPDs and for the operations of all ECO Platform Program Operators

Dr. Bastian Wittstock (LCA Practitioner Ramboll)
Dr. Bastian Wittstock


Jane Anderson

Dr. Jane Anderson