Our Organization

Our Governance


ECO Platform is an International Non-Profit Association established by EPD Programme Operators as well as supporting members from Industry, Green Building organizations, LCA Practitioners and Tool Operators.

Governing Bodies of ECO Platform AISBL:

  • the General Assembly (GA)
  • the Board of Directors (BoD)
  • the Managing Director (MD)
  • the Working Groups (WG)


Sven-Olof Ryding

Sven-Olof Ryding
Honorary President


Hakon Hauan

Håkon Hauan


Olympia Dolla

Olympia Dolla
Vice President


Lorenzo Orsenigo

Lorenzo Orsenigo


Christian Donath

Christian Donath
Managing Director


Chris Foster

Chris Foster
Quality Manager

Our relevant documents can be found here:

Our relevant documents



The founding process

In September 2011 a Memorandum of Understanding for the Foundation of the ECO Platform was signed by 27 parties.

The following 11 EPD Programme Operators carried the idea forward in a transparent and democratic manner and founded the ECO Platform as an AISBL on June 4, 2013 in Brussels:

  • BRE Global - Building Research Establishment Limited (UK)
  • DAP Habitat - CentroHabitat (Portugal)
  • CAATEEB - Col.legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona (Spain)
  • Environdec System - AB Svenska Miljöstyrningsrådet (Sweden)
  • EPD Norge - The Norwegian EPD Foundation (Norway)
  • Global EPD - AENOR - Asociacion Espanola de NORmalización y certificacion (Spain)
  • HQE/INIES (France)
  • IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (Germany)
  • ITB - Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (Poland)
  • MRPI - Milieurelevante Productinformatie (Netherlands)
  • ZAG EPD - Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije (Slovenia)

Several further EPD Programme Operators, Associations, LCA Practitioners and Green Building Initiatives supported the founding process.

First ECO Platform agreement