Our Governance

ECO Platform Complaint Management


ECO Platform has created governing documents that are to be complied to by all ECO EPD POs. Non-compliances can be addressed in two ways: during audits or via complaints. This procedure sets out the process for handing complaints.

In general, only complaints that concern violations of the rules of governance by ECO Platform POs, in particular ECO Platform Standards, will be accepted. Complaints related to an ECO EPD Programme must be submitted to the Programme Operator (PO) concerned. The ECO Platform will only become active if the PO fails to respond or resolve the problem within an appropriate period of time.

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ECO Platform’s Complaint Management System ensures a transparent and efficient process for addressing concerns raised by stakeholders.

An overview of the main complaint handling structure is provided in the figure below. The scope of this procedure also includes longer-term monitoring of the number and nature of complaints.



Eco Platform Complaint Management Illustration



ECO Platform’s Complaint Management System ensures a transparent and efficient process for addressing concerns raised by stakeholders.


What Is a Complaint to Be Treated by ECO Platform and What Is Not?

ECO Platform handles complaints that:

  • Relate directly to its operations, guidelines, or overarching processes.
  • Concern disputes that involve multiple ECO EPD Programme Operators (POs) or systemic issues.
  • Question the governance or oversight provided by ECO Platform.
  • Non-compliances of ECO EPD POs or their ECO EPDs only in case the PO failed to respond in appropriate time or manner.


Complaints that will not be treated include:

  • PO specific issues (see below)
  • General feedback or suggestions.
  • Disputes that fall outside the scope of ECO Platform’s activities and responsibilities.


Which Complaints Are to Be Dealt With by the ECO EPD POs?

Certain complaints must be directed to the individual Programme Operator (PO), as they are responsible for managing specific processes.

Examples include:

  • Issues related to the accuracy of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) issued by the PO
  • Concerns about compliance with the PO’s internal standards


For submission of a complaint to a specific PO, please visit the respective PO’s complaint management system or contact form. The links can be found here.


How to Submit a Complaint to ECO Platform?

To submit a complaint to ECO Platform, follow these steps:


  1. Complete the online complaint form available here.
  2. Provide all necessary data including a clear description of the issue, relevant details and supporting evidence.
  3. Submit the form, ensuring all mandatory fields are completed.


How Will the Complaint Be Treated?

Once a complaint is submitted, it will be handled as follows:


  1. Acknowledgment: ECO Platform will acknowledge receipt of the complaint.
  2. Review: The complaint will be reviewed to ensure it falls within ECO Platform’s scope.
  3. Investigation: An investigation will be conducted, involving relevant parties as needed.
  4. Resolution: A resolution will be proposed, and the complainant will be informed of the outcome.
  5. Follow-up: Where necessary, corrective actions will be monitored to ensure effective implementation.