Our Governance

ECO EPD Complaint Contacts

Certain complaints must be directed to individual Programme Operators (POs), as they are responsible for managing specific processes.


Examples include:

  • Issues related to the accuracy of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) issued by the PO.
  • Concerns about compliance with the PO’s internal standards.


Please find below the links to the complaint management forms / contact forms of our ECO EPD POs:

EPD Programme Organization Contact Email Link to Complaint / Contact Form
Bau EPD GmbH Bau EPD GmbH write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
BRE Global BRE Global Ltd write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
DAPconstrucción® Cateb - Barcelona Chartered Association of Technical Architecture write an E-Mail →  
DAPhabitat Centro Habitat - Associação Plataforma para a Construção Sustentável write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
EPD China EPD China write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
EPD Danmark Danish Technological Institute write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
EPD Ireland Irish Green Building Council write an E-Mail →  
EPD Italy ICMQ S.p.A. write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
EPD-Norway The Norwegian EPD Foundation write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
Global EPD AENOR write an E-Mail →  
Global GreenTag International EPD Program Global GreenTag International Pty Ltd write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
IBU – Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. IBU – Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
ift Rosenheim GmbH ift Rosenheim GmbH write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
ITB EPD Program ITB – Instytut Techniki Budowlanej write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
Kiwa-Ecobility Experts Ecobility Experts – Kiwa GmbH write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
PEP ecopassport® Association P.E.P.    
SÜGB SÜGB - Schweizerischer Überwachungsverband für Gesteinsbaustoffe write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
RTS EPD Building Information Ltd / Rakennustieto Oy write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
Stichting MRPI® Stichting MRPI write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →
The International EPD® System EPD International AB / Environdec   visit the PO's website →
ZAG EPD Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute write an E-Mail → visit the PO's website →